On the Fourth Friday of each month, the gallery features artists and their art during this special evening event. It is always free and open to the public.
Featured Artist: Reinhold Frieberthauser Woodturning
I’ve spent most of my adult life teaching and coaching teenagers and now have more time to devote to my own work. That work reflects the wide variety of styles and methods which I’ve had the great opportunity to explore with my students. It ranges from functional pieces to display pieces and ideally succeeds at synthesizing the two. I especially enjoy working at the lathe that I keep on my deck overlooking Lake Huron. Some of my recent work explores the use of local white cedar for turned vessels, a wood that is not commonly used by turners. Above all, I enjoy sharing my love of this craft with other people, both as a teacher and student.
Guest Featured Artist: James Blask
Since I can remember, the arts have always captured my soul. Whether it was going to a museum to look at the classics or listening to a beautiful song. There is something so transcendent about immersing oneself into the beauty of life. For me, it connects my soul to something greater than I can explain. I do have hopes that I will change someone’s world someday. I hope that I will create a piece of art that will have a positive effect on someone’s day or even life. I wish to pass the gift that has been passed onto me through so many others art.
Help us in Celebrating the New Year!